Monday, October 30, 2006

Welcome to Jesus the Baptist!

10:39 PM, 6 May 2006
Blessings World!

In celebration of Pentecost 2006 and the Centennial of the Azusa Street Revival, we launch this Pneuma Blog. This is the home of our blog narrative about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We believe this site and study to be a fulfillment of our calling to light a fire in the world for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To our Lord,

Lord, we will speak the message you gave us to speak to the world. We humbly ask you to bless the site and study. May you translate its contents to the four winds on the fiery wings of your messengers as you will. May you use its contents to shed light on a subject that has proven to be controversial. In so doing, Lord use these contents to bring both unity to your Body and a fresh impartation of your Holy Spirit's power to your Bride. May you use this site and study to empower your church for end-time revival. May it hasten your coming in such measure as you have willed. Accompany and seal it with your atoning blood, your manifest presence and your all consuming firepower. We dedicate "Jesus the Baptist" first to you our Lord and Baptist, Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God. Amen!

In His Calling,
Danny dj and Martha Morales

Danny dedicates this site also to his loving bride, Martha.

11:39 PM, 30 September 2006

As of this day and hour, our Pneuma Blog was completed for the honor and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for seeing us through this project and for making it possible!

"but now he has promised, 'Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.' The words 'once more' indicate the removing of what can be shaken-that is, created things--so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our 'God is a consuming fire.'" (Hebrews 12:26b-29)

Light the Fire Ministries ©2006