Today is the Day of Pentecost. As we celebrate this day, let us take heart in knowing that we not only celebrate the power of Pentecost, we are also commemorating a day of covenant. Pentecost as a covenantal day is a fact unknown to many Christians. However to Jews, the Day of Pentecost marks an important anniversary, for on this day the Covenant of Moses was made at Mount Sinai. Amazingly what transpired on that mountain and on other days of covenant in Scripture has much to do with the Pentecostal experience and its power.
The Covenant of Noah
Looking back to Genesis, the first well-known covenantal day was when God established a covenant with Noah, his family, and pairs of clean and unclean animals. An important point to keep in mind is that the first part of this covenant was a work of grace in a progressive setting apart and salvation of Noah’s family and the animals. These works occurred as the ark was being built, as the animals journeyed to it, and when its only door was suddenly shut to withstand the impending flood.
When the promised flood waters finally came, they did so in what the Apostle Peter termed a “baptism” (1 Peter 3:21). In this baptism, “all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened and rain fell on the earth” (Genesis 7:11b-12a, NIV). After the great flood, God bestowed a second work of grace in a covenant. For this covenant, God chose the rainbow as an everlasting sign. From that day onward, “all generations to come” could witness the physical evidence of God’s promise in the form of a multi-colored sign floating overhead (Genesis 9:12).
The Remnants of Noah's Ark on Solomon's Throne
The Covenant of Abram
Moving on, we come to the pact between God and Abraham. As in the account of Noah, God’s first work of grace was to set apart and save a chosen people. We see God’s progressive sanctification when He called Abraham, his wife, and “the people he had acquired” to a journey out of their known world (Genesis 12:5). A little later, we see God’s definitive salvation when He delivers Abraham from all his enemies.When Abraham’s day of covenant finally came, God first showed him the countless starry hosts singing in the heavens. He then displayed two more signs of fire and light (Genesis 15:5, 17). God later confirmed His covenant with another visible sign, this time not resting over the heads of men but manifesting in their flesh (Genesis 17:13). The covenant of Abraham, with its fiery signs and its continuing sign in the flesh was to be a promise “for the generations to come,” a promise extended even to those not of Abraham’s seed (Genesis 17:12).
The Oak of Mamre where God appeared to Abraham
(photo circa 1877)
The Covenant of Moses
Now to the last Old Testament covenant, which took place at Sinai. Here again we see works of salvation and sanctification prior to a powerful covenantal experience. First, the Lord saved each household that had been sanctified by the blood of a lamb (Exodus 12:13). Then, He “baptized” the Children of Israel in the waters of the “cloud and in the sea” saving His children and at the same time setting them apart from their enemies (Exodus 14:29-30, 1 Corinthians 10:2).
It was not until fifty days after their initial salvation and sanctification that they experienced their covenantal day with God. What they experienced can only be described as a “baptism with fire,” as God’s power descended upon the mountain1 (Exodus 19:18). Interestingly, when God spoke to the mixed multitude, He did so in a way that is missed in the English translation. In the original Hebrew, it literally says that the people saw “voices” and “torches” coming from the trembling mountain (Exodus 20:18a). That day, God again chose demonstrable and continuing signs to distinguish His covenant and His chosen people for the “generations to come” (Exodus 31:16, NIV). The Sabbath and the signs mentioned in Deuteronomy 6:6-9 are still practiced every day and week by devout Jews as continuing signs of the covenant made at Sinai.
The Charred Mountain of Sinai in Arabia
We have seen that the covenants all followed a distinct pattern: salvation combined with progressive sanctification as a first work of grace and then a powerful covenantal experience with demonstrable signs as a second and distinct work. But what do these experiences have to do with the Pentecostal experience? The answer is “everything!”
As partakers of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, we have witnessed the deep springs of souls burst forth. We have also seen the floodgates of heaven open as the Lord pours out living water on flesh. As a group, Pentecostals are known for their vibrant praise much like that of the hosts of heaven ablaze in fire. Speaking of fire, what about tongues? Something like tongues of fire must have been seen and heard by the mixed multitude at Sinai, much like those witnessed by an equally mixed multitude in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (the only Jewish feast determined by counting off Sabbaths). Are tongues the physical evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? The answer is a resounding “yes!” not only because of the three Scriptural witnesses in Acts (Chapters 2, 10, 19), but also because of three covenantal witnesses of the Old Testament. Everything points to tongues being the continuing, multi-colored, fiery, visible, voiced, and demonstrable signs in the flesh that relate to Pentecost. It is no wonder then that the disciples had nothing further to say when they heard that the Gentiles had spoken in tongues. Tongues, and not the spectacular experiences of Peter or Cornelius, were the chief reasons that argued for the inclusion of a mixed multitude of “unclean” Gentiles (not of Abraham’s seed) into the new covenant. It is also no wonder that Simon, a profiteer of visible signs and wonders, wanted to buy the free gift of the Holy Spirit with its demonstrable sign and wonder. The Apostle Paul not only cherished his speaking in tongues but even identified them as a “sign” (1 Corinthians 14:18, 22). Taken together, these experiences show that the ways of the Lord have not changed since Genesis.
Indeed the Pentecostal experience is worthy of much celebration because it is covenantal in nature, endurance, and power. The power of Pentecost is available today, because Jesus is the Baptist and mediator of the new covenant. This power is for “you and your children,” because he is “the same yesterday and today and forever” (Acts 2:39, Hebrews 13:8, NIV). It is the power to change lives, to change unbelievers into believers, and to change the world. Let’s make it count for Him and for them; let’s make this year, and every year, a year of Living with Power.
1. American and European explorers have recently publicized to the western world their discovery of a mountain in northwestern Saudi Arabia (ancient Midian) that fits the Biblical description of Mount Sinai in exacting detail. One of the most striking features of the mountain, known as Jabal al Lawz, is its blackened summit. All evidence points to something of immense heat descending upon the head of this mountain, leaving it forever charred by fire.
About the Article
With the exception of the first sentence, the above first appeared in an article I submitted to a Pentecostal magazine in August 2004. It was never printed, first rights to print were not accepted and the article was returned to me, thus all rights are reserved by me. It is the first time it has been re-printed and it serves as the first installment on this Pneuma Blog of many more commentaries to come concerning the covenantal nature of the Lord's Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Jesus as the (Chief) Baptist, and the unknown tongue as the lasting sign of this covenantal act. These commentaries are the culmination of hours of Biblical study and prayer. Some of the views expressed here may not be new and may appear in other bodies of knowledge. However, I have relied on the word of God to illuminate my mind first and then have confirmed His revealed word with other findings. To my knowledge, this is the first time that all the covenantal acts have been linked prophetically and used to prove that the Lord's Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a covenantal act and that the unknown tongue is a lasting sign on par with the other lasting covenantal signs. The upcoming original commentaries will hopefully shed more light on this subject. Happy Shavuot and Azusa Street Revival Anniversary...
Light the Fire!
Danny "dj" Morales
Light the Fire Ministries ©2006