Above is our prototype cover artwork. Many thanks to Mr. Luis Macario of Macario Designs for helping us with this conception and for my father for the use of his hand. The design features a hand lighting seven tongues of fire on a lampstand (menorah). In the final version, the tongues will appear in the seven visible colors of the rainbow. This design encapsulates the central ideas of this study:
- Jesus is the Baptist
- the Lord's Baptism in the Holy Spirit is covenantal
- the tongues of fire are lasting signs just as seen in the lasting sign of the rainbow
- Recurring themes involving covenantal types in Scripture
- the 7 Manifestations and 7 Thunders of the Holy Spirit (seven flames)
- we the church are the lampstand
Happy Birthday to the Assemblies of the Living God!
Danny "dj" Morales
Light the Fire Ministries ©2006